Navigate through change at your rhythm

Individual session
Do you want to discover what Coaching can offer you? The individual session is the place to start any journey. You will quickly center your energy, get alignement with your choice and head to the direction you want.
Do you already know what coaching is and you want to focus on a specific topic? Bring it on to an individual session. Professional coaching offers many tools today for the executive world. As a international student or a expat, you will bring more joy in your move and get a deeper and more fulfilling experience or your expat life.
Both the discovery session and the focused coaching session are 1 to 1, online, and last 50 mins
Personalised relocation road map
This is the most popular program for people who want their expat adventure to be a success.
Our expat clients are attracted by this program because they need a partner who understand crossing cultures and what level of adaptation is required to find your bases in a new language and a new country.
After discussing where you are and what you envision for your move, we will create your own individual program that is best suited to your needs and will include a wide range of tools of executive and life coaching industry.
This program is highly appreciated not only in developing our clients own maps but also in supporting them in acting on what they want to do. Moving country is very fun and also requires concrete actions that can be submerging. Your coach will follow you at your rhythm, with confidence and consistency. With empathy, your coach will also gently challenge you when your actions are not the reflection of your best version
We navigate through your transition over 4 months
You will build and reinforce your values alignment, own your stories, and define your mission, being professionally accompanied during all the steps of your international journey
This program include :
12 sessions of 50 min of 1 to 1 coaching
All the materiel (send to you prior, during or after the sessions)

Daring Greatly™
Rising Strong™
These curriculum are created by Dr. Brené Brown for individuals, couples, families, work teams and organizational leaders to help them to move towards more authentic and wholehearted living. The primary focus is on building resilience and developing daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent and lead.
In The Daring Way™ program you will operationalize your values, choose and act in your arena, define being brave and being vulnerable, practice Empathy and Self-Compassion, distinguish perfectionism from healthy striving and learn about our unwanted identities
In Rising Strong™ program, you will understand the physics of vulnerability: if we are brave enough, often enough, we will fall. Rising Strong is a program about what it takes to get back up and how owning our stories of struggling gives us the power to write a daring new ending. Struggles can be our greatest call to courage and the clearest path to a wholehearted life.
“We can’t get to a brave new ending if we start from an inauthentic place” Brene Brown
The Daring Way™ and Rising Strong™ programs can be covered in a group in a 8 sessions of 2h / 3 intensive days, or individually / 8 sessions of 75 min.